Hello from Naples Florida

Hello from Naples Florida

After the difficult journey here Monday I have moved from isolation and ICU into a regular hospital room. Many specialists have been interested in me including pulmonary, cardiology and infectious disease. Physical therapy began yesterday (though a bit under the table due to the attention of my Nurse Brad and physical therapist Chip)…. I walked, even with a walker for a step or two, and sat up for dinner.

I again have a double window though no mountains. Its flat. I understand I am 2½ miles from the Gulf and if there were no buildings I might even be able to see it.

Landmark Hospital seems to be a very good hospital. The food is plentiful and good. The chef visited me dressed in his Toque this morning and hand delivered a fresh cup of coffee.

Nursing care has been excellent, attentive and caring.

Next time I blog I will ask about many of you, but I am tired now.

Love, MS

2 Replies to “Hello from Naples Florida”

  1. I miss you so. I have tried to keep up with you but now I know that it is impossible. I hope your health has improved. Hurry home so you can tell us all about the trip (the good & the bad). Baseball will be starting soon.– Betty Bailey

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