We have left Colombia

Monday we left Colombia.

Sad feelings leaving mixed with eagerness to be back in USA or Usa as some Colombians pronounce it.

It was long trip and an even longer day. We left Santa Marta with Tracie a “rescue nurse” flown in by On Call International who turned out to be a blessing, and drove 2 hours to Barranquilla. The drive was very interesting with a traverse across a thin strip of land  feeling similar to our east coast’s  barrier islands  that split the Caribbean Sea from Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta.  My brother Graham has shared with us some of why this marsh is of great ecological and biological importance.

The drive also revealed  poverty and  sadly lots of trash along the road and
marsh. There were  lots of market stalls selling souvenirs, foods and also fresh fish. None of us understood why there were so many and who was buying the goods?

In the airport getting through customs included many searches though thankfully no detainment.

Flight to Miami was  clear and smooth and provided view of Colombia’s coastline as well as coast of Haiti and Cuba. However, the flight was hard on me  but Tracie’s careful attention made it possible. Then another 2 – 2½ hour drive to Naples and finally admission to Landmark Hospital.

I have  gotten much needed quiet and rest….though where’s the doctor??

I’m so very glad to be back, more later.

4 Replies to “We have left Colombia”

  1. I was so happy to find this. I haven’t heard a think about you in ages and was very concerned. I want to keep following you.

    With love,

  2. You are so strong and you did it! Best wishes for your continued recovery! What an adventure!
    Kathy (Elizabeth’s friend)

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