Random Pictures

[Photos from Beth]

Mom says the Bano at Perfect Body  is far nicer than the Gardens ( and even nicer than Beth's Hotel)
Mom says the Bano at Perfect Body  is far nicer than the Gardens ( and even nicer than Beth’s Hotel)
Urban renewal project. Park being created on same block as Perfect Body
Urban renewal project. Park being created on same block as Perfect Body
Just a picture from area of Perfect Body. Note ever present Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Mountains.
Just a picture from area of Perfect Body. Note ever present Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Mountains.
Bingo? Across from Grocery and all outside store Beth's goes for Mary Sherwood's essentials i.e. Flan, Ensure, mandarinos.
Bingo? Across from Grocery and all outside store Beth’s goes for Mary Sherwood’s essentials i.e. Flan, Ensure, mandarinos.
The real Perfect Body Medical Center work....
The real Perfect Body Medical Center work….
Mary Sherwood today
Mary Sherwood today

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