Food at Perfect Body

Evie asked an interesting question about the food here at Perfect Body, and I though this would make a fun blog topic.

It isn’t the usual American fare, and I must say it’s a cut above.

Breakfast has always been the same until yesterday when I was delighted to get 2 hard boiled egg whites and 2 slices of ham!  Every other day breakfast has  been cheese, potato–though at times a corn based dish not dissimilar to pressed  grits/hominy, a cooked plantain, and fresh fruit and always fresh juice. Juices are made from every kind of fruit and they are abundant here,  many we don’t get on East Coast. The juice drink is not as sweet as home and always come with a pack of sugar to add. A juice is served with every meal!

Dinner, midday meal is the main one of the day. There is always Sopa, arroz, with  usually pescado  though at times pollo. I always made a very nice stew.  Fish seems fresh and likely to be what was recently caught.  The seasonings are interesting, different and flavorful. I know at times it includes cilantro, and much more. Fish are delicious and different. Often flavored with what we think is turmeric and lemongrass.

Supper is light, usually simply grilled chicken or some kind of carne. I had a shish kabob last night.

Beth still brings in some little Colombia chocolates but now she has found Flan to give an additional treat and variety along with yummy vanilla Ensure.

So here you have it, but I’m beginning to look forward to a cup of good Colombian coffee or a rich hot chocolate.

Love to you all

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